
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What's On The Youtube Queue On Repeat?...... Bassnectar

After viewing a facebook post that Bassnectar was coming to Cincinnati tonight, I decided to share a couple songs of his that really get me goin.  I have had these two songs on repeat on my Youtube queue for a few weeks now.  It's not so much that they are awesome works of art that I am just crazy about, there just seems to be something to the grungy thud of Bassnectar's beats.

I saw Bassnectar for the first time with Eliot Lipp in concert at the Boulder Theatre with some wonderful friends in Boulder, CO.  It was one of the "crunchiest" group of folks I had ever seen, but nonetheless they know their music.  It was an all out dance fest for four straight hours, and the deep thuds shot around the walls and up into the balcony where we were sitting as though you had put a reverb effect on a cannon.

This may not be your cup'o'tea, but I am telling you... there is something special in these two gems.  Listen to it while you go lift weights or something... it has an effect.

Thick beats, smooth female vocals, and a little heavy trance-dance effect in the background. Can you dig it?

-Love Here-
Somewhat repetitive, but the deep base groove just captivates me somehow.  Listen, and enjoy.  Again, smooth female vocals, you will probably see that a lot from me.

And you know what, since its my birthday, here's a little Eliot Lipp love, I said his name, why not throw him a bone or two..

Repetitive, but a deep and seductive beat.  My personal opinion is that Eliot is someone you need to see live..  Not sure exactly what the video is showcasing, but were just here for the music anyway.

Have a wonderful Wednesday, and as always, comments and opinions are welcomed!!



  1. Sweet blog mang. I dig your color choices (cardinal & stone A-sig style??). Looking forward to when you post your own creations.

  2. Gracias, Alpha Sig indeed :)

    Yeah the creations will take a while, but soon enough my good man.
