
Friday, April 22, 2011

Faure's Requiem - Happy Easter Weekend Everybody

Awww man... church music?  Yup.  This stuff is classic.  If you have never heard Faure's Requiem, you really might want to take some time to sit down and listen.  It is by far some of the most beautiful music I have ever heard, and family members of mine have sung many of the songs and done quite well.  So I do indeed have a special place in the heart for this one.  This won't be a long post, but you really should hear this stuff.  Kings College basically dominates this, and makes it sound exactly the way it should in my humble opinion.  I think the reason the Pie Jesu is best sung by a young treble boy is because there is literally no vibrato, which I think is the most important aspect to pulling it off.  The second song is called the Agnus Dei, which is another beautiful song.  Sit back, relax, and enjoy!

Here is the Sanctus, which is another movement in Faure's Requiem.

A happy Good Friday to those who celebrate, and a Happy Friday to those who don't! :)

Thanks for listening.


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