
Monday, April 18, 2011

Grizzly Bear - Did You Miss Coachella?

5 gum and Youtube teamed up together to stream Coachella live to the masses.  Now this is an incredible feat, and one that I think is pretty groundbreaking for Coachella fans.  They have a small backlog of videos on there for you to see if you choose, and there were some pretty solid acts.  Check it out if you get a chance.

Now here is what I did NOT like about the Coachella live stream.

Ok.... let me be 100% clear here.  Kanye West... cannot sing.  He couldn't sing his way out of a tissue paper bag.  I heard recently that he was quoted as saying his biggest regret in life is that he could never see himself perform.  I on the other hand, regret ever hearing him attempt to sing.  It takes an incredible narcissist to get up on stage, basically present yourself as the next prophet, and then let loose the most tone-deaf series of vocal disruptions I have ever heard.  Let there be no mistake... it is louder than hell at Coachella.  It is extremely hard to sing in that environment, and Kanye West should have left it to people who actually work at it and do it with even the slightest tact.  He was clearly unapologetic for how incredibly terrible it was, and I would venture to guess he thought he was doing us all a favor.  I get all the glitz, and all the cool visuals, and I think he has some great beats.. but I just can't get behind him when he is destroying my ear drums.

Fast forward to the end if you are into self-abuse.


Now, onto something unrelated.  Grizzly Bear.

You have probably heard of these guys.  They have been touring with the likes of Radiohead and Feist, and have released two albums over their 4-5 year tenure.  The first we'll look at is called Veckatimest.  Now what does that mean?  I have no idea.  What I would say though, is you might want to check out a few tunes. I wasn't particularly impressed with the album as a whole, but Two Weeks is an incredible song, and one that I have been listening to intermittently since the albums' release.

-Two Weeks-
This song is just a really solid feel good song, and one that you can turn up and cruise around to.  I think the melodies are strong, and the rhythm and pace are unique.  I think that off-beat rhythm is something that this band really does well. Warning, the video is incredibly creepy..

-Southern Point-
This almost sounds like a Neil Young song.  Do what you will with that comparison.  I liked it though.

-On a Neck, On a Spit-
 This song is off of their Yellow House album, and I think it is just a really solid portrayal of what these guys are capable of.  The first 30 seconds of this song are gorgeous.  It ends up moving on into some sort of stranger interludes etc, but I really think this is a wonderful song.

Let me know your thoughts on Coachella if you read this, and point me in the direction of some good live performances if you were watching.  They are all over the Youtubes.



  1. I love "Each Day I Spend It With You Now"! These guys have some talent!

  2. Christopher JanneyApril 20, 2011 at 9:16 AM

    I got both of these albums a while back based solely on buzz. This was a great reminder to revisit them. I have made a few false starts, but never with the requisite time or attention required to give something even moderately complex a chance. I am on vacation, so now is the time. (Some of the layering they do on On a Neck reminds me a bit of Radiohead.)

  3. I am in complete agreement on the Radiohead analysis :)
