
Monday, April 18, 2011

Thrice, The Year of Acceleration, Oceanlab - Sunday's Secret's

Mixing it up on you here this Sunday night / Monday morning...  Three groups that have literally ZERO to do with one another.

First off, let's look at Thrice.  Now this is not my normal cup of tea.  They are an Emo/Punk band from Irvine, CA.  They apparently got together through meeting at a skate park... m'okay..  In no way am I making fun, I have no idea how to even stay atop a skateboard, it's just that Emo isn't usually my gig.

The album we're going to look at here is called The Alchemy Index Vols. I and II: Fire and Water.  Now let me warn you... the fire part of this album is exactly that.  It is some hard core stuff, screaming et al.  The water portion on the other hand is this very fluid, relaxing set of tunes.  I am only going to highlight a few of these, and they are exclusively from the "water" portion like I said.  So let's get it goin..

-Open Water-
I really think this song is a gorgeous one.  It's obviously a very chilled tempo, but I think its the best they have on the album.  I love the vocals, and I really dig the synth, it almost seems like they are literally playing underwater.

-The Whaler-
Another down tempo song, again with a water theme.  I don't get the same chills from this song that I do with Open Water, but I still think its a pretty damn good song, and these guys have some interesting things going on.


Next well have a quick look at The Year of Acceleration, and a song off of their album Used to Have a Life

This band has a real "The Bravery" ring to it.  The lead vocals literally sound like the same guy, and maybe it is, who knows?  They are based out of Tuscon, AZ and it appeared off of their website that they were at some point touring with The Helio Sequence, another pretty solid band.  Not much else to really report, just really like one of their songs...

-Us Against Them-
 It isn't that the rest of the album is filler, its just that I think this song is the best of all of them.  If you want, check out Starlet another decent one, or Prescription Medicine, though I can't embed any of these, because these guys are apparently so obscure they aren't on Youtube?  I will be coming up with a way to create my own videos to get around this issue as soon as I can, but for now, click the Amazon link, and check out the preview!

EDIT:  Enjoy the embedded video!! Finally!


Lastly, Oceanlab. Now probably 90% of the 7 people who even read this far down probably won't like these songs, because they probably aren't like anything that anyone has heard in a while.  As I may have said somewhere along the line, my music taste ranges pretty far.

Oceanlab is a group consisting of Justine Suissa (the female vocals) and the Above and Beyond trio.  If you have not heard of Above and Beyond, then you simply haven't ever heard any trance.  They are basically the three kings of it, and they have their own label, and put on a weekly Podcast that you can download free from iTunes called Trance Around the World.  Most of the stuff from TATW is just a bunch of unz-unz, but there are a few shows that have some really solid stuff on there.

If you like relaxing, beautiful, melodic and captivating music, then this is your squad.  They are the type you load up on the iPod, and fall asleep to.

This song is just straight eargasm all the way.  Justine Suissa's voice is so smooth.  Turn it up, put on the over-ear headphones, and try not to burst an eardrum.

Ashes is this really strange and beautiful song.  Not sure what the hell she is talking about, but the lyrics seem to have some greater meaning I haven't really attempted to decipher.  Once again, laid back and smooth, and it works.

Other notable songs are Sirens of the Sea, and Miracle.

See what you think!


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