
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Rhian Sheehan - Would You Like Some Ranch Dressing With Your GrooveSalad?

Today we are going to look at Rhian Sheehan who is a New Zealander, and a cinematic music or electronica producer and composer.  I have not been able to review some of his newer stuff, so maybe we can visit that another time.  However we are going to get to see some of his earlier works, all of which I discovered while listening to GrooveSalad, which is a SomaFM radio station you can access through the electronic music section of iTunes' radio stations.

I don't really know what it is that gets me about this music.  There really aren't any vocals, which isn't something that I absolutely have to have, its just that in some cases a lack of vocals can cause a lack of richness in what you are hearing. The vocals you will catch are actually old recordings of Carl Sagan in some songs, which are actually pretty damn cool.  Oddly enough, when i hear Rhian's work, I think of flying through space kind of like the character in 2000 A Space Odyssey or something of the like.  I think you will like what you hear, but it may not have enough pace for most listeners.

I do however think it is some pretty complex producing, and he really makes great use of a bundle of eerie and beautiful sounds.  So lets hear it.

This song is off of the Tiny Blue Biosphere album and is a really solid tune.  I love some of the overlays that he works with, and it is a really beautiful and ethereal song.  BOSE over-ears, ready go.

-Garden Children-
Another really interesting song, and I think this was the first song I had ever heard on GrooveSalad.

Want to feel like an astronaut?  Listen.

Other notable songs you should definitely check out are Waiting, Phobos, and She Walks Into Mine.

Down tempo electronic music.  You will see a lot of this, as I love it.  Check it out, and see if you like it!


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