

I have, ever since I can remember, been utterly obsessed with finding new music.  It is something I am always on the lookout for, and have always been intrigued by.  Of course this quest for new music knowledge is subject to its own limiting factors.  The largest limiting factor of course is that my music taste is something that is my own.  Therefore it is impossible to always rely on word of mouth, or suggestions from those around you, as you never know whether music tastes are compatible or not.  On the other hand however, there are always those friends that you meet who literally cannot stop recommending songs and bands you love.

Now I don't think that it is any secret how much time and effort it takes to find new music.  This would include hours upon hours of headphone induced headaches, sifting through the six-song fast-forward limit on Pandora, and slowly fine-tuning a perfect radio station.  Or it could be the two-hours-a-pop listening session of a podcast.  Either way, we are talking dedication. 

The other way to learn of new music is to hear of it through word of mouth.  I have been an incredible advocate of bands that I have found and loved through word of mouth to those around me.  I am always looking for ways to share the music I have stumbled upon randomly, and for the most part those around me have been very receptive.

I of course would never presume that I am breaking ground with this blog, but my hope is to bring a place to life that will initially allow those close to me to maybe hear some things they haven't heard before, and for them to provide some music to me as well.  Should it evolve past a place to discuss great new songs and bands, then so be it, and in turn that is my overall goal.

I am also in the throws of creating some music of my own using DAWs (Digital Audio Workshops), and would love to use this blog as a hub to share those projects.  Music is my passion, my hobby, and I think something that I was in some ways put on this Earth to be involved in at some level.  You can of course agree or disagree with that statement at your leisure.

Sounds great.... now what the hell does the title mean?
A mixture between Cardinal Sin, and the synapses in the brain...

Some songs, for whatever reason, have the ability to literally give me goosebumps.  I haven't exactly put my finger on it, but if I am in the right mood, and the BOSE headphones are on, and the song has the correct chord progression, I will have chills run straight down my spine.  I know other people experience this, so it isn't just me, but think of the Cardinal-Synapse as the "Rush of blood to the head" (my bad Coldplay..) or your synapses firing when you hear something that melts your face.  More than likely you are "envious" that you cannot inflict such auditory euphoria upon others as these musicians can.