
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Quick Hits - Where You Should Be

Came across a little gem while doing something centered around dubstep.  I was looking up BPM (beat per minute) categories for different genres of music, and came across a Wikipedia article that mentioned this guy Skream so, I threw a couple jams up on Spotify.  Turns out, this dude has one jam that was pretty damn sweet (and I am sure many more).  Have a listen below, apparently Skream is a big deal in the dubstep world.. which shows how much I know about it all.  This IS a dupstep beat, but it doesn't really reflect where dupstep has evolved to in its current state.  It used to refer to a specific BPM, and the way the base/drum track worked together.  So this is kind of a hybrid really between dubstep and something a little more downtempo breakbeat.  Like, if you took Pendulum and slowed them down.

At any rate, if you turn the base up a bit, this one should have the desired affect.


I know dupstep can be hit or miss, as it sometimes is a tad too glitchy for most people's taste.  However, dupstep live shows are a powerful thing.  It is instant dance-tron, take my word for it.

Some good news on the Cincinnati front, Lotus comes to town in February to the Madison Theater!  Be sure to check them out if you like jam-band/electronic type stuff.

In the mean time, I have been working diligently on creating new sounds.  As you may understand, sounds do not equal songs.  However, they do equal the seeds that create songs.  SO, with that said, I might share some things I created just tonight here soon, and see what you all think.



Monday, December 12, 2011

Quick Hits - Hawaiiiiiiii

Many thanks to my brother for this little gem... have a listen, as it goes down quite smooth.


There are some really awesome moments in there... definitely check it out!


M83 - Big Bang Make Big Sound

My very kind roommate was nice enough to share a group with me the other day that has been on repeat over the last few weeks.  M83 is an absolutely incredible act from France, and their big instrumental sounds, hushed lyrics and lovely reverb has been gracing my car speakers for a while now.  I remember asking him who was playing when he put them on while we were having a few drinks before hitting the town.  I had kind of forgotten about it, but then it randomly popped back in my head.  I listened to a whole host of their tunes, and was absolutely enthralled.


These guys have been around since 2001, and named themselves after a large spiraling galaxy out in the middle of space called Messier 83.  They formed in Antibes, France and have had some strong success in Europe.  They were finally turned worldwide in 2005, and haven't looked back since.  They're latest album "Hurry Up, We're Dreaming" has had some significant success, and "Midnight City" has been receiving some significant air time in North America.

I was taken mostly by their dreamy sound, grainy drum tracks, and almost 80's style synth work.  They make a lot of incredible use of reverb and really some intense and beautiful tracks that you will no doubt hear below.  So without any further ado, take a listen, and let me know what you think.

-New Map-
This has a pretty heavy rock element to it, with some supporting electronic influences.  I think it is really paced well, and I love the vocals on this track.  It is a feel good song, and it sounds pretty sweet on some big expensive speakers.  Had to pull this in from Vimeo, as I couldn't find it on YouTube.

-OK Pal-
Another great track, and one that I think really has that 80s feel to it.  It is almost Tears for Fears-ish.  Love the synth work in here, and I think the chorus vocals are incredible.  Lots of great harmony.

-We Own The Sky-
Awesome track.  This is one of my favorites for sure.  The end is somewhat repetitive, but the harmonies continue to build, and they are great.

This is sort of a departure from the rest in that it is an acoustic work, and it has a very slow tempo.  There is no pretending it isn't a gorgeous track though.

This is definitely one of my favorite tracks, and if you listen you will know why.  It is just an amazing song, and a feel good tune, with again some 80s-ish feel to it.  They really do a great job with harmonies...

-Midnight City-
This is my favorite of all of them I think.  I love the vocals, I think the overall soundscape is simply unique, and I again love the harmonies.  It just makes me want to party for some reason.. haha

Obviously there is more where that came from, as these guys are something else.  I am absolutely loving listening to them, and my hope is that it's new to some of you out there.

As always, let me know what you think, or throw me some suggestions on some groups that sound like M83, and I will of course check em out.

Thank you for stopping by.


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Kings of Leon - Yes.. I Realize They Have Been Around A While

So.. for some reason I never really listened to Kings of Leon. I have no real reason for this, and honestly I can't think up a good excuse on short notice.. so.. deal.  These guys have been a favorite of my brother-in-law's for quite some time, but I just never got around to listening to them. (not cool of me.. ) haha

Well.. like any good Spotify user, I decided to throw some top tracks into my playlist.  Now, don't get me wrong, I had heard some of the songs before, I just think they resonated with me a little more this time around.  Maybe because I was paying attention.


Now again, I am not making excuses for myself, I simply must have had a filter up on these guys, and so yes this is old news (and probably out of "fashion" at this point).  However, this crew from Oklahoma has some really nice jams out that are well worth listening to, assuming you are as late to the party as I am.  Now, when I say late to the party, we are talking late to the party that started in 1999.  So yeah... that's late.  I will say though that they probably didn't really hit their stride until more recently (circa 2006 or so).

I have been told they have an incredible live show, and my guess would be that is inevitably true.  I figure if your band started in Nashville, then you probably have to be pretty damn good live.  There is tons of competition, and its not like they match the strong-arm genre.  I was specifically told that their show at Red Rocks was unreal.  So I am of course bummed I missed it.

So for a full family band... they are pretty doggone good.  They certainly smoke The Jonas Brothers or Hanson if that's what you were thinking.  They are three brothers and a cousin, and unfortunately they are currently on hiatus, or so it seems that way.  They ended up cancelling the remainder of their 2010 US tour, and finishing up their tour season in Australia.  I don't know this for sure, but my guess is that some people are built for that kind of road-work, and some people aren't.  Could be more involved than that, but I guess I'll never know.

Now for a few good songs to munch on.

I absolutely love this song... Hands down my favorite right now, and one that I listen to with some regularity at the moment.  I love the really tight reverb on their guitar riffs, because it gives a light and airy sound to their top-end, and then the bass and baritone vocals really round it out.  Love the harmonies created in this one as well, and the keyboard work in the background (as it is kind of hard to hear but adds a ton of color).

-The End-
Another favorite at the moment.  And again you can hear that reverb on the guitar.  It is somewhat reminiscent of Coldplay in how they use it, but obviously a completely different sound.  Excellent song though.

 I really like the guitar work on this track..  It's repetitive in a way, but it is just a really intense and heartfelt sound.

-Sex Is On Fire-
I just like the title.........  Hah, no it's a great song.  And yes, I know we have all heard this one.

Those are my favorites at the moment, and would love some suggestions on some other songs (other than Use Somebody, because yes I have heard it).  Obviously Come Around Sundown  and  Only By The Night are both great albums.  So yeah... I've been a little lazy..  I found my four favorites that I listen to, and now I want all 2.7 of my readers to suggest a song of Kings' that isn't on this tiny, quickly produced list.

Thank you.


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Modeselektor, Leila, Ital Tek, D'arcangelo, Djunya - Deep Downtempo Grooves

So I always like to bounce around from genre to genre as much as possible, and I wanted to highlight these guys, as I had just found them through some quality Pandora time.  I was over brewing some beer with some buddies, and a song came on a Pandora station we had playing in the background, and I wanted to know what it was.  Turns out it was Modeselektor, with a title called 'Edgar.'  I thought it was a pretty tasty jam, so I created a little Pandora station centered around it, and came across some pretty obscure but interesting stuff.  It is mostly electronic, and technically could be labeled as dubstep, but it isn't as intense, so it's probably a downtempo version of dubstep. (IDM/glitch)


I had heard of this group before, as I think they have some work that they did with Apparat, but I didn't know much about them and had not specifically heard their work before.  In catching 'Edgar' I think I found the only song of theirs that I legitimately like.  Now that isn't to say they don't have something else out there that might be worth listening to, but 'Edgar' was far and away my favorite.  They are a German group, which I think is where the Apparat connection came from, and they are mostly labeled as IDM/glitch in terms of their style.  I just really liked this song when I heard it, even though it can be pretty repetitive.  Either way, check it out!


So what did this little diddy get me by putting it into Pandora?  Some of the jams you hear below are from exactly that.  You will again notice that this is actually some fairly dark, meaty, glitchy dupstep stuff.  I think the thing that I like about it all is how it sounds over the car speakers when I'm blasting down the highway.  So my guess is that this stuff won't resonate with most, but it could open some doors for others.

LEILA - Mollie

This is a pretty strange track, but as I said above, it sounded amazing when I was blasting it over the car speakers.  I like the composition of it, even though I know it isn't that spectacular in terms of its musicality.  See what you think..

ITAL TEK - Deep Pools

This is a really deep and dark track, with a tremendously slow tempo.  I was taken by some of the sounds they used in this track, but I will say I didn't like the little beep sound in the beginning, mostly because that is the sound that I hear when my phone is about to run out of battery.  No bueno.  I do however like how it tends to build on itself, even though it is repeating the same basic theme.  I also don't like the key change that happens in the middle.. was a bit over the top.


I think this track just sounds great.  I love the whole overall composition, the sounds he is using, and also his chord progressions.  Again, a slow tempo, but it sounds amazing when being blasted through some high-end speakers.

DJUNYA - Uprise

This is an incredibly dark tune, and one that almost sounds like it should have been on the soundtrack for the movie The Devil's Advocate.  It spends a lot of time in looped drum patterns, and some boring interludes, but the main thematic chorus is a great set of sounds.  It takes about 40 seconds to get into this version of it, and it spends a lot of time in a looped dubstep drum progression.  I don't know if many folks will like this one, but I thought it had some pretty cool parts.

So again, this may not be everyone's cup of tea, but there is some cool stuff in there.  I figure the more you branch out, the more you have influencing your own musical decisions.

I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving, and keep warm now that the weather is going south on us :)

Thanks for stopping in.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Radiohead - Oldie But A Goodie (or Bestie?)

So I took a little hiatus for the month of October, as that seemed like the smart thing to do given the amount of stuff that needed to occur within one month.  Alas, I am back to business, promoting bands you have no doubt already heard of.  I wanted to do a little spot on Radiohead, mostly because they are probably my favorite of all time, and I have been cruising their latest album a lot lately.


I don't think there is any other band on the planet that I have listened to more throughout my life.  Thom Yorke has wailed into my ear more than any other singer, and Jonny Greenwood has... well you get the picture.  I think the biggest thing about Radiohead is that they are ALWAYS good.  As I was telling a friend the other day, they may not always be perfect, but they are always good.  That is something that is amazing considering the careers these guys have had.  They have been around for what seems like an eternity.  They have released so many albums at this point, that I have a hard time keeping track.

I do however not lose track of any of my favorite tracks of theirs.  I have at least three or four from each album, which is again a testament to how talented Radiohead is.  Not to mention, they always seem to reinvent their sound with each new album.  It is still a dark yet satisfying retreat into Thom Yorke's psychoses, but somehow they change the way they approach each album as though it were a painting.  Everything feels tied together, as though there is an overall theme, and not just a random smattering of works.

Apparently they are on tour at the moment promoting their new album, which is by the way a great work.  They have again remained consistent... and I remain a huge fan.

So let's check out some of the favorites in no particular order.

-Wierd Fishes-
An absolutely haunting and beautiful tune that I have listened to maybe 5,000 times.  It never gets old... The harmonics, the eerie overlays, the tight guitar work, solid drums.. I just never seem to get sick of it.  The first verse "Your eyes... they turn me."  I for some reason am not only affected by the amazing key change at that point, but the thought of looking into someones eyes and it "turning" you... I don't know, I get a chill.  Anyhow, pay attention to the video as well.. pretty cool idea swapping in some Planet Earth footage!

-All I Need-
This song is a slow starter...  But the end of this song literally gives me chills every time I hear it.  This is again off of In Rainbows, which is truly an incredible album all the way around.  This song though has been my favorite off of the album, and I cannot get enough of it.  It somehow evokes some serious pensiveness every time I turn it on.  When the piano kicks in at the end, you will know what I mean.  Yup.. just got the chills.

-Let Down-
Again, slower tempo, and just a gorgeous piece of music.  This is off of the OK Computer album, and it was the song that really put me over the edge on Radiohead when I was in sixth grade.  I remember being on a ski trip to Michigan, which was a 10 hour trip mind you, and I listened to it on repeat for maybe half of the trip.  Not necessarily healthy, but it is just incredible.

-Paranoid Android-
Yeah.. I know.. No brainer.

I love this tune.  Total change of pace from their slower stuff, and just an overall very sweet jam..  This is also of course from OK Computer.

-Sit Down. Stand Up.-
I don't know that I could put my finger on this one.  It is just the right level of Radioheadesque eerie, and I love the deep piano lines.  It isn't the best song on the album by any stretch, but it is something else either way.

Very cool soundscape going on here.  Not sure how they did this, but it is pretty incredible stuff.  Also a bit more electronic, which was at the time a little bit of a departure.  They seemed to beef up the electronic stuff in Hail to the Thief.

Now onto the new album..  It is called The King of Limbs, and it seems to have some old influences, and some things that they have never really tried before.  I have been incredibly impressed.  I would never say that Radiohead has any "filler" songs.  Or any throw aways.  I don't love every song, but I am getting there.

This song is incredibly interesting, because they have this sort of off-beat/down-beat thing going on that I thought would bother me.  Alas, it doesn't bother me in the least, and instead I am drawn to Thom's vocals.  It's of course a slow paced song, but one that I have become quite fond of after listening to the album a couple times (ok.. 20 times).

This is another slow song, but I just really like the piano work, and again the vocals.

I like this understated track, and not sure what it is that does it for me, but my guess is the harmony in the chorus.  Just another example of the range that Radiohead has.

Overall.. I think you get the picture.. These guys are an incredible band, and though I know that everyone has heard of them, maybe you haven't had a chance to dive into the new album.  If you haven't... may I make a suggestion??

Listen to it a few times before you make a decision.  I found that it took me a couple times to find the little elements floating around in here that reminded me just how amazing these guys are.

On another note.  I will be making time for, and getting back into production.  As a great friend told me.. you have to make time for the things you love, or you will never do them.  Absolutely correct.

Until next time :)


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thrice's "Digital Sea" - Never Included It... Don't Know Why...

For some reason I never included Digital Sea when I wrote a small article of these guys a few months back.  Though Open Water and The Whaler are incredible songs, I seem to listen to Digital Sea way more.  It has absolutely GORGEOUS harmonies in it, and I think a very interesting set of lyrics as well.  As is with the water portion of the Alchemy album, this is a downtempo track with a lot of emotion injected into it.  These guys are usually a somewhat high-energy punk band.  So though this is a departure, I think it is a really beautiful song.  I won't keep you waiting any longer...

-Digital Sea-

That's all, just had to correct the omission.  Hope you enjoyed it :)


Ulrich Schnauss, Zoe Johnston, Andrew Bird - A Couple Quick Hits

I had some great suggestions passed onto me this week, and I wanted to share them in no particular order or fashion.  You will notice that they are all different genres, but I think they are all incredible work.  So without further ado.

My sister shot this tune over to me today, and it literally melted my face.  I have heard a lot of deep and sultry tracks before, but Schnauss literally knocks it out of the park here with something so multi-layered and harmonic...  It was like peeling back a sonic onion... unreal.  I feel like every time I have listened to this, I have come across a different harmonic chord.  Listen for yourself.. it's pretty epic.

If you have heard Ulrich's work before, tracks like Between Us and Them, or Wherever You Are then you are familiar with the sound.. but this one is just that much more involved.  Well... since I have mentioned them.. here ya go.

-Between Us and Them-

-Wherever You Are-

As you can no doubt tell, he has a very specific style, and it sounds like a lot of his elements are re-sampled in each song.  This sort of dreamy symphonic soundscape with bell accompaniment.  It's good stuff for zoning out for a while.

This is a total switch in gears, and I came across it while reviewing a new Above and Beyond album.  I have always loved their stuff.. I know its trance, but it works for me..  I became quite fond of this song because of a really beautiful key change that occurs in the chorus.  It gave me goosebumps the first time I heard it, and it was a bit of a head turner because that seldom happens.  Also Zoe Johnston has a hell of a voice... no two ways around that.  Enjoy.

This is off of the Group Therapy album.  If you have any interest in checking out any more of the songs on there, be sure to check that album out!

ANDREW BIRD - Imitosis
This one was suggested to me by Mr. A.K. who should be well known at this point, as he has shown up on three articles now.  What does that mean?  It means he has good music taste... at least in my view!  This Andew Bird fella is doing some really incredible work.  He has compelling lyrics, he is about as musically gifted as anyone I have seen in quite a while, and he sounds incredible live.  These are all very good things.  I was struck by Imitosis because I really like the violin loop he uses.  I also really like the lyrics and vocals as well.  It is somewhat folky, but also very energetic.  This is a guy I can definitely support in his quest for continued musical greatness.  Hope you like as much as I do.

-Oh No-
Another display of genius.. definitely give it a listen if you like Imitosis!  I love the use of whistling.. classic.

Hope you enjoyed, and as always thanks for stopping in!


Monday, September 19, 2011

Pretty Lights - Where Pretty Lasers and Pretty Music Meet

Derek Vincent Smith, otherwise known as Pretty Lights has been one of my favorite electronic musicians ever since I was introduced to him by my very good friend in Colorado many moons ago.  I have received a few amazing little videos from Mr. A.K. (the same genius who handed me Gramatik) and I wanted to share those with you as well as some of my favorites from back in the day.


Derek Vincent Smith hasn't been on the scene for that long, but he made a name for himself playing a bit for STS9, The Disco Biscuits, and many other Colorado hometown favorites.  He was a University of Colorado freshman dropout, who decided school was to take the backseat to his music career.  It turns out he made the right decision in this case.  He has since his departure from CU-Boulder become one of the premier electronic and remix artists of this decade.  He is well known for his flawless beats, and incredible taste in all things light.  His setups are incredible, and unfortunately I am only able to say this because I saw them on a video, and not live.

I have been incredibly impressed over the years with his seamless beats, and how well he has adapted an ear for remixing certain tracks.  The one Mr. A.K. sent to me was a remix of seven Led Zeppelin tracks that literally blew my mind.  I would never have thought I would like such a thing.. but it turns out I was wrong.  He also remixed Solar Sailor which was off of the soundtrack from Tron Legacy, which was solely created by Daft Punk (another favorite of mine).  He took what was already a great song, considering what it was for, and knocked it out of the park.  That's my take, you be the judge...

-Solar Sailor (Remix)-
This is a sort of hip-hop/dub-step rendition of Daft Punks song, and I just think it is really really tight.  The production value is extremely high, and I think it would be a hell of a thing to listen to live with all his crazy lights and lasers flashing in your face.

-Pretty Lights vs. Led Zeppelin-
This is just... awesome.  It is a really nice mixture of classic rock and hip-hop type beats.  I love his ability to use the down-beat on this.  It also does a nice job of showcasing how his performances come together.

-Summer's Thirst-
This song is off of his Taking Up Your Precious Time album, which was my entree into the Pretty Lights world.  I just really like the down-tempo aspect of it, and it has some very light and airy keys that I think provide a unique sound.  Somewhat repetitive, but I am a fan.

-Almost Familiar-
This is another favorite from Taking Up Your Precious Time.  Has some cool off-tempo work, and once again a solid hip-hop base, with some smooth electronic elements over the top.

-Finally Moving-
This too is from the Taking album, and is pretty much his staple track from that album.  This is a pretty classic hip-hop beat, and it has some vocals which never hurts!

-I Know The Truth-
This song is has a very strong dupstep element to it, and I can see a lot of people not being that interested in that.  However... if you have ever been to a dubstep show live, it will probably change your mind.  The video you will see with this one is a live performance of PL's from Bonaroo, and it looks like a hell of a lot of fun.  I would suggest if you get to see this guy live, and don't mind noodle-dancing with a bunch of hipsters, have at it.

-Time (Pink Floyd Remix)-
This is the last one for this particular article, but I felt it was important to include, because his name (Pretty Lights) was actually taken from a Pink Floyd song...  So with that said, I was interested to see what he would do with his originator's music.  Its an interesting and rather glitchy remix, but something I had to include nonetheless!

So if you are looking for more from Pretty Lights, I can either ask Mr. A.K. for his suggestions or you can just take a quick hour and listen to some of these tracks here above.

Though this genre may not be for everyone, I can definitely attest for how incredible this guys production value is, and how talented he is with his ear for remixing.  It's a lot harder than many would think; and though it isn't the same as playing an instrument, or singing, or some other God given talent, I would argue that having the knack for finding what works, and making it sound so good is indeed a gift.  Be that talent from God, on loan from God, or from some alien planet.  You have to admit, he does what he does very well.

Hope you enjoyed, and as always, comments welcomed!


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Kings of Convenience & The Whitest Boy Alive - From Smooth to Soulful

When I was in college I had a real sincere interest in all things Kings of Convenience.  They had this soft, plush sound that was perfect for walking to class in the cold air.  I can't think of a band that I listened to more than Kings of Convenience throughout my entire college career.


Kings are a Norwegian duo of the names Erlend Oye and Eirik Glambek Boe, and they have been gracing the scene since they were signed in 1999.  They are well known for their graceful and complex melodies that dance over top of soft and intricate guitar work.  Their album Riot on an Empty Street was by far my album of choice, but it isn't all these guys have to offer.  I must have listened to Riot about 50,000 times before it was probably lost in some hard-drive crash or something.  One of their albums Quiet is the New Loud was produced by Coldplay, and it went onto receive great acclaim.

I have so many favorites from these guys, so I will try and keep it to about four or five so we can then focus on Oye's side project The Whitest Boy Alive.

-Love is no Big Truth-
I absolutely love this little tune.  It is incredibly whimsical, and it makes incredible use of some banjo work near the end.  Definitely one of my favorites.

-Surprise Ice-
Interesting little ballad that has some really nice harmonies and guitar work.

-Know How-
Love this song.. I spent so much time trying to perfect this on guitar, and then realized it was too difficult to sing along to it while playing lol..

-Cayman Islands-
Beautiful guitar work, compelling lyrics.  I think it's a good choice..

You will notice these are all from Riot, and I think that is just fine.  This song is awesome.

I would be sure to check out their Quiet is the New Loud album (especially Failure, The Weight of My Words, I Don't Know What I Can Save You From, and Parallel Lines).  Also don't be afraid to check out  Declaration of Dependence.  I have yet to hear that one, but maybe I will write about it at some later date.

This leads us to our next stop... The Whitest Boy Alive.

This is a new an offshoot project of Erlend Oye, and it has a little bit more of a rock element to it.  My brother was able to pinpoint this little project, and I have been quite impressed with it so far.  It has some electronic elements to it, which is what it was intended for originally, but it ended up morphing into a rock project, which I think ended up being a good decision.


I am impressed by the blues and rock influences, and have been also impressed by some of the melodies these guys put together.  It is a mesh of rock and roll and Kings of Convenience, which is pretty amazing stuff.

I haven't really nailed down my favorites yet, but well give a few tracks a listen!

-Golden Cage-
This was the first piece my brother played for me, and I think it's a good indicator of what you are going to hear going forward.  Its a really solid song.

I just think this is a really cool song.  I love the keyboard work, and bassline.  See what you think!

Another solid and bluesy tune that I fell in love with immediately.  Hope you like!

Be sure to check out more from Rules, and also the album Dream.  They are both quite good.

I hope you liked, and let me know if you have any comments etc.  Would love to hear of some other bands that are similar!

Many thanks for stoppin' in.


Monday, September 5, 2011

Imogen Heap - Musical Genius.. and One of My Favorites of All Time

For starters, my apologies on not posting much recently.  I wouldn't say I have been busy, just been enjoying some time on vacation.  Vacation from what?  I have no idea, but it's been a blast nonetheless.

I have withheld posting anything about Imogen Heap yet, as I don't really consider her new or obscure.  I am under the impression that the vast majority of the entire world has heard at least one or two of her songs.  However, I cannot express enough what an incredible musician she is, and what an influence she has had on my musical taste.  I almost find myself comparing everyone to her, in terms of whether I like another artists songs as much as I like Immy's work.

I remember seeing her in Chicago a few years ago, and it was without a doubt the most personalized and sonically complex show I have ever been to.  She was even sick at the time with strep-throat or the flu or something of the like, and if she didn't perform a song up to her standards she would start over and re-sing the whole thing.  I was BLOWN AWAY at how incredible her vocals were.  She has by far one of the most pure voices I have ever heard, and her vocal range is almost alien it is so insane.  She could probably cover every octave on an entire piano if she were asked to.  I remember someone remarking that they thought she sounded too produced.  I can completely understand that viewpoint, but I have heard her live, and I am completely serious when I say she sounds exactly like the album live.  She is never sharp, never flat, never even remotely close to off-key.  It is literally... insane.

Like the rest of humanity I became aware of her when her track Let Go was featured in the movie Garden State.  I remember being absolutely amazed at what I was hearing, and then of course how perfectly matched it was given the emotional temperament of the actual scene in the movie.  At the time, she was part of a trip-hop duo with Guy Sigsworth called Frou Frou, and I immediately got a hold of that album and listened to it straight for a year, maybe more.

Later she released her solo albums, and her songs were famously featured on some episodes of The O.C.  So it wasn't like the rest of the world didn't notice her.  She has become somewhat of a youtube sensation in her journal style posts of creating her Ellipse album.  She is just a straight up incredible musician and sound technician.  If you haven't seen some of her youtube stuff, you might want to check it out just to get an idea of the creative process that these artists go through... it is fascinating.

She is a bit quirky and she has a strange style about her, but she is an incredible poet as well.  If you listen to her lyrics it really is quite impressive. She is reminiscent of Joni Mitchell in her ability with words, and her use of metaphor is very strong.  Nothing she writes sounds trite, and yet she sings so much about love and relationships.  The fact that you can be original about a subject that is so unoriginal in music is I guess a testament. 

I want to go ahead and highlight some of my favorites to keep this piece moving, as I could probably write a ton more about her.

Not sure how I cannot include the song that opened the door in the first place.  As I stated above, this song was created by Imogen and Guy Sigsworth on their Frou Frou duo album.  It is just a crushingly beautiful song.


Though a somewhat dark and violent level of subject matter, I think this song is just incredible.  It is again off of the Frou Frou album, and has been one of my favorites from the beginning. 


My final favorite from the Frou Frou album, and one of the most amazing on the album.  This is not to say the rest of the album isn't as good, because it most definitely is.  It is of course a complete album and one that has a TON of replay value.


Her followup album was a solo album in which she produced all the music and did a vast majority of the instrumentation as well.  It was entitled Speak for Yourself.

Umm... this is absolutely gorgeous.  If you want vintage Imogen, this is the one to hear.  I heard this live and it almost caused a mind melt.  I actually recall that she started this particular song over, because she wasn't satisfied with the high-note she sang.

This is another amazingly beautiful song, and another one that I have listened to a thousand times over.

This is a bit of a departure in that it is a bit more upbeat than most of her work.  I think it has some very compelling percussion work, and some of the harmonies are mind-blowing.

Another impeccable display of her artistry.  I love how many levels there are to everything she does.  It is really impressive work.

This is an absolutely gorgeous song.  It is rather sad and slow, but the harmonization she uses near the end of the song is enough to blow your mind.  Her vocals in this song are unmatched.

As I said, the entire album is ridiculously good, but I am only highlighting the songs I could listen to a billion times and never get sick of.

Next on the docket is her Ellipse album which is the most recent.  This was an album that was heavily anticipated after her work on Speak for Yourself.  I actually started to grow impatient, simply because I was dying to hear it.

 Don't really know what to tell you if you aren't impressed by this song.  I think this is probably my favorite off of the album.

Another favorite off of the Ellipse album, and another fascinating piece of art.

A downtempo and seemingly simplistic tune that slowly builds and develops into a truly complex and gorgeous song.

Once again, the entire album is off the charts genius and every song she has is amazing.  I would recommend to anyone and everyone that they buy everything this lady ever puts out.  Imogen is usually considered to be more of an act that attracts female listeners, but I can attest it speaks to everyone.

She actually has released a small single as of late called Propeller Seeds which I was pretty impressed with.  It is a very light and somewhat upbeat piece.  I feel like its a little quiet, and doesn't have as much meat as some of her other works, but it is a really good song either way.  So that is to say that she hasn't lost her touch...


All in all, Immy is one of, if not my favorite artist of all time.  She is just so good.. and so good consistently.  I am dying to hear a new album from her here soon, but I don't know if it is in the cards.  I guess we will just have to see...


Apparently she has released the first track from her fourth album that is in the works.  This track is called Lifeline... very solid track.

Lifeline by imogenheap

Thanks for stopping in.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

John O'Callaghan, Marcus Schossow, Luminary, The Thrillseekers, Kaskade & Deadmau5, Hybrid, iiO - No worries, I surrendered my "man-card" at the door..

Warning: This post contains incredibly non-masculine music, but there is no doubt it is beautiful work.... 

Ok... so now that we have that out of the way....  For some reason, I am a big fan of female vocals laid over some form of house/trance/electronic whatever, and I think you can best describe the root of that coming from Imogen Heap.  It is just something that has always been able to send a chill down my spine..  I am of course completely aware that this music does not coincide with my incredible manliness which I display with my each and every action on a daily basis... BUT I am going to go ahead and bite the bullet on this one, and throw some tracks out there for some folks that MIGHT also like this type of music.  I would go so far as to say that only a man who is comfortable in his manliness can afford to admit his fondness for such music. haha

Well start with John O'Callaghan.  I am pretty sure this track was handed to me by someone else, who I won't name in order to preserve their manliness as well.  I have heard some of the other mixes of this tune, and they are... not good.  Why send an amateur when you can send Marcus Schossow.  The guy is a remix genius.  So naturally he put together a remix of John O'Callaghan's track Take it all Away.  You will have to of course excuse the first minute or so of it, because for some reason when you do a remix there is some unwritten law that you have to inject 10 minutes of some asinine repetitive drum beat.  Lame.  If you would like to skip through all that crap... might I suggest the 2:00 mark, where the song starts getting into the meat of it.


Speaking of Marcus Schossow, how could we forget his Progressia (Sommar) track.  This thing has a truly incredible beat, and he does some really interesting things that I just love having come straight through my ear-buds.  I remember spending quite a bit of time listening to this on the treadmill.  For some reason it makes me want to go running?



Luminary is another one of those female vocals groups that makes me want to turn up the volume.  Their track Amsterdam is the only one I have heard of theirs, but it really is a beautiful piece of work.  Of course you have to get passed the trance aspects of it, and pay attention to how smoothly it is produced.  Some of the sonic combinations are really impressive.  Again, the first two minutes are ALMOST a complete throw-away.


The Thrillseekers are a relatively well known group.  They have done quite a few famous remixes, but nothing really compares to their work on Waiting Here for You.  This is again a female vocals jam, and though this isn't one of the better ones I have ever heard, it was good enough for me to download it at one point in time.  I am a big fan of the almost ghostly electric guitar layer they throw in there.  When its coupled with the percussion-like baseline, it sounds pretty tight.


So let's see here, what's next... Oh yes.. Kaskade and Deadmau5.  You have probably heard of both, but you are more likely to have heard of Deadmau5.  The guy is a genius, and I have heard his shows are bad... and by bad I mean bad ass, Michael Jackson BAD.  He teamed up with Kaskade to bring a couple sweet female vocals remixes to the forefront.  These are both pretty well known "club beats", but then again we don't really hear this kind of stuff in the states.  And don't get me wrong ladies and gentlemen... I love me some Waka Flocka Flame..  Again, please pardon the first 2 minutes...



Video number two is very strange, but has some babes...

And here we have Hybrid.  These guys are VERY well known in the trance world, and I think are responsible for my first entree into this type of music.  They had a pretty neat little ditty in Blackout (Y4K Edit).  That tune takes a very long time to take off, but when it finally does, it is worth hearing.  Some of the harmonies and dark and dirty baselines are just too good to miss.  Again, this music isn't for everyone, but this is a sick song in the classical trance sense.  The 5:00 mark is the place to be on this tune, and you just catch the last half of it from there.  It has incredible harmonies, and whoever is singing has a really beautiful voice.  7:15 is where it really shines.


Last but not least we have iiO, who was best known for their release of Rapture.  But in this case we are going to look at a little track called Runaway.  This song just has a pretty interesting baseline, and for some reason I really like their lead singers voice.  She has a really smooth quality to her.  I like that it is kind of dark, and I love the overlays during the chorus.  Pretty nice song if you ask me.


Hope you enjoyed some of that.  I don't know what it is that gets me about this type of stuff, but I can't help but seek it out with some regularity.

Now can I have my man-card back?.... Please???

Thanks for stopping in.


Quick Hits - A couple soothing tunes for the people

I went searching back into the annals of my Pandora history to pick up a tune that I had long forgotten about.  I was looking for a couple nice and easy links for all you good people out there (all seven of you).  I remember hearing Emancipator one day, and then trying desperately to find the song 'Wolf Drawn', luckily it showed up on the Youtubes, and for that reason I can bring it to you now.  I was unable to find it anywhere else with the exception of purchasing the album.

Wolf Drawn is this incredibly dreamy track with a really nice guitar riff layer that I grew quite fond of immediately.  There aren't any vocals (shocker, I know), but there are a lot of cool and interesting sounds going on in there.  I think of it as a sweet jam for when you are doing something that requires some concentration.  I am currently writing this while listening to it... so there ya go.

Before I go on dragging this out too much, I haven't really heard that much of Emancipator, but my guess is that they have some really quality downtempo stuff.  I will of course check back in with some more quality finds if I get a hold of them.  For now, without further ado...


The other tune I wanted to throw up here was from the soundtrack of Solaris, which was written and produced by Cliff Martinez.  I am absolutely stunned by how beautiful this track is, especially around the 1:10 mark.  If you have not seen the movie Solaris, I would of course suggest you do.  I am captivated by the bell sound that he somehow created for this piece, and he creates some really interesting wind-chime-like sounds as well that compliment the bells.  I think this is probably one of the most beautiful soundtrack pieces I have heard in a long time, and it really does an incredible job of capturing the emotional context of Solaris.  I am also obsessed with the harmonies that are created between all the aforementioned sounds, the strings quartet and the bass track. I am actually going to be trying to "remix" this in some capacity, as I am... like I said... obsessed with it.  Give it a listen!


Just a quick couple pieces I wanted to throw your way.  You never know where musical inspiration can come from.  I have learned to try and hear as much stuff as I can to try and hone what I would like my sound to be. Of course the best way to find your sound, is to just do it.. and I hope to ramp that back up here and get some more work on Statefantry done.

Hope you liked.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Massive Attack - Part 3 of the Trip Hop Series

This is part three of the "old" trip-hop series I had started doing a little while back.  Massive Attack has been around since the beginning, and may even be credited as being the first big trip-hop act.  They are responsible for some of the biggest successes the genre has ever seen, and they have many of their works in movies, of which I heard one just the other night.


Massive Attack started in 1988 in Bristol, England with Robert Del Naja and Grant Marshall; which once again highlights that the genre originated there.  They obviously have a very heavy electronic influence, and their down-tempo and hip-hop like beats helped create a genre that was followed up by bands like Portishead and Sneaker Pimps.  As a matter of fact Portishead was essentially formed as a result of Geoff Barrow being present at the Massive Attack recording of Blue Lines, which is their most famous album.  They were well known for having picked great vocalists to lay down tracks on their albums, and gained great acclaim for it.  They have apparently been a fairly volatile band ever since their early success, and have had a few problems staying together.  They have in more recent years worked separately on different projects.

I have been listening to these guys for years after hearing a song of theirs in a movie once.  I then started exploring the genre a bit more when I heard Portishead, and that led me back to Massive attack for some more incredible tracks.  Shall we check some of those out??

Though it is hard to tell which of their works is most famous, this song has been used in soundtracks, and may potentially be the most familiar to those that hadn't heard of the group before!  Try not to be creeped out by the video..

-What Your Soul Sings-
This is a rather dark tune, but in being eerie it also has some very beautiful and deep qualities.  I am very fond of this track, and it is one that I personally own.

Again a very dark and deep track, and this track has been used in so many movies it is even hard to count at this point.  I heard it just the other day on the movie "Antitrust", which is a rather silly flick, but Angel was on there!

-Future Proof-
Dark and deep, I guess that is the name of the game isn't it?  This is another tune I had heard before, and it has some pretty interesting and creative elements to it.  I just love their sound.. not sure how they make it happen..

-Black Milk-
Another one of their classics.  This one just has an incredibly sick beat, and ethereal vocals.  Love this little diddy.

If this has sparked your interest, be sure to check out their albums; Mezzanine, 100th Window & Blue Lines.  They aren't the only good ones, but they all have some really incredible work on them.

Hope you enjoyed the third and final trip-hop installment, and I am glad to finally get it all out there for those that have never heard of the genre!  My hope is that if I put the originators out there for people who haven't heard it, they may have interest in checking it out even further!
