
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Modeselektor, Leila, Ital Tek, D'arcangelo, Djunya - Deep Downtempo Grooves

So I always like to bounce around from genre to genre as much as possible, and I wanted to highlight these guys, as I had just found them through some quality Pandora time.  I was over brewing some beer with some buddies, and a song came on a Pandora station we had playing in the background, and I wanted to know what it was.  Turns out it was Modeselektor, with a title called 'Edgar.'  I thought it was a pretty tasty jam, so I created a little Pandora station centered around it, and came across some pretty obscure but interesting stuff.  It is mostly electronic, and technically could be labeled as dubstep, but it isn't as intense, so it's probably a downtempo version of dubstep. (IDM/glitch)


I had heard of this group before, as I think they have some work that they did with Apparat, but I didn't know much about them and had not specifically heard their work before.  In catching 'Edgar' I think I found the only song of theirs that I legitimately like.  Now that isn't to say they don't have something else out there that might be worth listening to, but 'Edgar' was far and away my favorite.  They are a German group, which I think is where the Apparat connection came from, and they are mostly labeled as IDM/glitch in terms of their style.  I just really liked this song when I heard it, even though it can be pretty repetitive.  Either way, check it out!


So what did this little diddy get me by putting it into Pandora?  Some of the jams you hear below are from exactly that.  You will again notice that this is actually some fairly dark, meaty, glitchy dupstep stuff.  I think the thing that I like about it all is how it sounds over the car speakers when I'm blasting down the highway.  So my guess is that this stuff won't resonate with most, but it could open some doors for others.

LEILA - Mollie

This is a pretty strange track, but as I said above, it sounded amazing when I was blasting it over the car speakers.  I like the composition of it, even though I know it isn't that spectacular in terms of its musicality.  See what you think..

ITAL TEK - Deep Pools

This is a really deep and dark track, with a tremendously slow tempo.  I was taken by some of the sounds they used in this track, but I will say I didn't like the little beep sound in the beginning, mostly because that is the sound that I hear when my phone is about to run out of battery.  No bueno.  I do however like how it tends to build on itself, even though it is repeating the same basic theme.  I also don't like the key change that happens in the middle.. was a bit over the top.


I think this track just sounds great.  I love the whole overall composition, the sounds he is using, and also his chord progressions.  Again, a slow tempo, but it sounds amazing when being blasted through some high-end speakers.

DJUNYA - Uprise

This is an incredibly dark tune, and one that almost sounds like it should have been on the soundtrack for the movie The Devil's Advocate.  It spends a lot of time in looped drum patterns, and some boring interludes, but the main thematic chorus is a great set of sounds.  It takes about 40 seconds to get into this version of it, and it spends a lot of time in a looped dubstep drum progression.  I don't know if many folks will like this one, but I thought it had some pretty cool parts.

So again, this may not be everyone's cup of tea, but there is some cool stuff in there.  I figure the more you branch out, the more you have influencing your own musical decisions.

I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving, and keep warm now that the weather is going south on us :)

Thanks for stopping in.


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