
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Radiohead - Oldie But A Goodie (or Bestie?)

So I took a little hiatus for the month of October, as that seemed like the smart thing to do given the amount of stuff that needed to occur within one month.  Alas, I am back to business, promoting bands you have no doubt already heard of.  I wanted to do a little spot on Radiohead, mostly because they are probably my favorite of all time, and I have been cruising their latest album a lot lately.


I don't think there is any other band on the planet that I have listened to more throughout my life.  Thom Yorke has wailed into my ear more than any other singer, and Jonny Greenwood has... well you get the picture.  I think the biggest thing about Radiohead is that they are ALWAYS good.  As I was telling a friend the other day, they may not always be perfect, but they are always good.  That is something that is amazing considering the careers these guys have had.  They have been around for what seems like an eternity.  They have released so many albums at this point, that I have a hard time keeping track.

I do however not lose track of any of my favorite tracks of theirs.  I have at least three or four from each album, which is again a testament to how talented Radiohead is.  Not to mention, they always seem to reinvent their sound with each new album.  It is still a dark yet satisfying retreat into Thom Yorke's psychoses, but somehow they change the way they approach each album as though it were a painting.  Everything feels tied together, as though there is an overall theme, and not just a random smattering of works.

Apparently they are on tour at the moment promoting their new album, which is by the way a great work.  They have again remained consistent... and I remain a huge fan.

So let's check out some of the favorites in no particular order.

-Wierd Fishes-
An absolutely haunting and beautiful tune that I have listened to maybe 5,000 times.  It never gets old... The harmonics, the eerie overlays, the tight guitar work, solid drums.. I just never seem to get sick of it.  The first verse "Your eyes... they turn me."  I for some reason am not only affected by the amazing key change at that point, but the thought of looking into someones eyes and it "turning" you... I don't know, I get a chill.  Anyhow, pay attention to the video as well.. pretty cool idea swapping in some Planet Earth footage!

-All I Need-
This song is a slow starter...  But the end of this song literally gives me chills every time I hear it.  This is again off of In Rainbows, which is truly an incredible album all the way around.  This song though has been my favorite off of the album, and I cannot get enough of it.  It somehow evokes some serious pensiveness every time I turn it on.  When the piano kicks in at the end, you will know what I mean.  Yup.. just got the chills.

-Let Down-
Again, slower tempo, and just a gorgeous piece of music.  This is off of the OK Computer album, and it was the song that really put me over the edge on Radiohead when I was in sixth grade.  I remember being on a ski trip to Michigan, which was a 10 hour trip mind you, and I listened to it on repeat for maybe half of the trip.  Not necessarily healthy, but it is just incredible.

-Paranoid Android-
Yeah.. I know.. No brainer.

I love this tune.  Total change of pace from their slower stuff, and just an overall very sweet jam..  This is also of course from OK Computer.

-Sit Down. Stand Up.-
I don't know that I could put my finger on this one.  It is just the right level of Radioheadesque eerie, and I love the deep piano lines.  It isn't the best song on the album by any stretch, but it is something else either way.

Very cool soundscape going on here.  Not sure how they did this, but it is pretty incredible stuff.  Also a bit more electronic, which was at the time a little bit of a departure.  They seemed to beef up the electronic stuff in Hail to the Thief.

Now onto the new album..  It is called The King of Limbs, and it seems to have some old influences, and some things that they have never really tried before.  I have been incredibly impressed.  I would never say that Radiohead has any "filler" songs.  Or any throw aways.  I don't love every song, but I am getting there.

This song is incredibly interesting, because they have this sort of off-beat/down-beat thing going on that I thought would bother me.  Alas, it doesn't bother me in the least, and instead I am drawn to Thom's vocals.  It's of course a slow paced song, but one that I have become quite fond of after listening to the album a couple times (ok.. 20 times).

This is another slow song, but I just really like the piano work, and again the vocals.

I like this understated track, and not sure what it is that does it for me, but my guess is the harmony in the chorus.  Just another example of the range that Radiohead has.

Overall.. I think you get the picture.. These guys are an incredible band, and though I know that everyone has heard of them, maybe you haven't had a chance to dive into the new album.  If you haven't... may I make a suggestion??

Listen to it a few times before you make a decision.  I found that it took me a couple times to find the little elements floating around in here that reminded me just how amazing these guys are.

On another note.  I will be making time for, and getting back into production.  As a great friend told me.. you have to make time for the things you love, or you will never do them.  Absolutely correct.

Until next time :)


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