
Monday, December 12, 2011

M83 - Big Bang Make Big Sound

My very kind roommate was nice enough to share a group with me the other day that has been on repeat over the last few weeks.  M83 is an absolutely incredible act from France, and their big instrumental sounds, hushed lyrics and lovely reverb has been gracing my car speakers for a while now.  I remember asking him who was playing when he put them on while we were having a few drinks before hitting the town.  I had kind of forgotten about it, but then it randomly popped back in my head.  I listened to a whole host of their tunes, and was absolutely enthralled.


These guys have been around since 2001, and named themselves after a large spiraling galaxy out in the middle of space called Messier 83.  They formed in Antibes, France and have had some strong success in Europe.  They were finally turned worldwide in 2005, and haven't looked back since.  They're latest album "Hurry Up, We're Dreaming" has had some significant success, and "Midnight City" has been receiving some significant air time in North America.

I was taken mostly by their dreamy sound, grainy drum tracks, and almost 80's style synth work.  They make a lot of incredible use of reverb and really some intense and beautiful tracks that you will no doubt hear below.  So without any further ado, take a listen, and let me know what you think.

-New Map-
This has a pretty heavy rock element to it, with some supporting electronic influences.  I think it is really paced well, and I love the vocals on this track.  It is a feel good song, and it sounds pretty sweet on some big expensive speakers.  Had to pull this in from Vimeo, as I couldn't find it on YouTube.

-OK Pal-
Another great track, and one that I think really has that 80s feel to it.  It is almost Tears for Fears-ish.  Love the synth work in here, and I think the chorus vocals are incredible.  Lots of great harmony.

-We Own The Sky-
Awesome track.  This is one of my favorites for sure.  The end is somewhat repetitive, but the harmonies continue to build, and they are great.

This is sort of a departure from the rest in that it is an acoustic work, and it has a very slow tempo.  There is no pretending it isn't a gorgeous track though.

This is definitely one of my favorite tracks, and if you listen you will know why.  It is just an amazing song, and a feel good tune, with again some 80s-ish feel to it.  They really do a great job with harmonies...

-Midnight City-
This is my favorite of all of them I think.  I love the vocals, I think the overall soundscape is simply unique, and I again love the harmonies.  It just makes me want to party for some reason.. haha

Obviously there is more where that came from, as these guys are something else.  I am absolutely loving listening to them, and my hope is that it's new to some of you out there.

As always, let me know what you think, or throw me some suggestions on some groups that sound like M83, and I will of course check em out.

Thank you for stopping by.


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