
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ulrich Schnauss, Zoe Johnston, Andrew Bird - A Couple Quick Hits

I had some great suggestions passed onto me this week, and I wanted to share them in no particular order or fashion.  You will notice that they are all different genres, but I think they are all incredible work.  So without further ado.

My sister shot this tune over to me today, and it literally melted my face.  I have heard a lot of deep and sultry tracks before, but Schnauss literally knocks it out of the park here with something so multi-layered and harmonic...  It was like peeling back a sonic onion... unreal.  I feel like every time I have listened to this, I have come across a different harmonic chord.  Listen for yourself.. it's pretty epic.

If you have heard Ulrich's work before, tracks like Between Us and Them, or Wherever You Are then you are familiar with the sound.. but this one is just that much more involved.  Well... since I have mentioned them.. here ya go.

-Between Us and Them-

-Wherever You Are-

As you can no doubt tell, he has a very specific style, and it sounds like a lot of his elements are re-sampled in each song.  This sort of dreamy symphonic soundscape with bell accompaniment.  It's good stuff for zoning out for a while.

This is a total switch in gears, and I came across it while reviewing a new Above and Beyond album.  I have always loved their stuff.. I know its trance, but it works for me..  I became quite fond of this song because of a really beautiful key change that occurs in the chorus.  It gave me goosebumps the first time I heard it, and it was a bit of a head turner because that seldom happens.  Also Zoe Johnston has a hell of a voice... no two ways around that.  Enjoy.

This is off of the Group Therapy album.  If you have any interest in checking out any more of the songs on there, be sure to check that album out!

ANDREW BIRD - Imitosis
This one was suggested to me by Mr. A.K. who should be well known at this point, as he has shown up on three articles now.  What does that mean?  It means he has good music taste... at least in my view!  This Andew Bird fella is doing some really incredible work.  He has compelling lyrics, he is about as musically gifted as anyone I have seen in quite a while, and he sounds incredible live.  These are all very good things.  I was struck by Imitosis because I really like the violin loop he uses.  I also really like the lyrics and vocals as well.  It is somewhat folky, but also very energetic.  This is a guy I can definitely support in his quest for continued musical greatness.  Hope you like as much as I do.

-Oh No-
Another display of genius.. definitely give it a listen if you like Imitosis!  I love the use of whistling.. classic.

Hope you enjoyed, and as always thanks for stopping in!


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