
Monday, April 30, 2012

The Boxer Rebellion - 'No Harm' In Checking These Guys Out

Received an email this evening from my sister about these guys, and so far I have been VERY impressed.  I would be remiss if I didn't mention that, yes, they do hail from England.  I am starting to think that maybe I am just destined to like British bands more than other bands...? Who knows..  The caveat here though is that they are made up of a Tennessee vocalist, an Australian guitarist, English bassist, and English drummer.  So I guess they garner their creativity from all over.


They actually have three (3) albums out, but I am only focusing on their two most recent.  Union & The Cold Still are both very solid all the way around.  I am going to have to spend a lot more time on these guys, but my first impressions have been stellar.  I feel as though they have a really crisp sound that still has haunting chord progressions, and it isn't too heavy on the reverb.

I have come across a handful of songs just in a short couple hours of listening that are really something.  The vocals are very tight, the harmonies are spot on, and the chord progressions are more complicated than most alt-rock groups are willing to work through.  There really is nothing less satisfying than 3 chord rock-and-roll.  However, these guys bring some real depth, and some vibrant color.

I also really like the name.. why not right?  Let's hear some tunes.


-No Harm-
This is the first track from this album, and it basically set the pace for me.  It was the piece that got me going, and I think it is a good impression of the type of sound they have.  Really fond of the chorus here.

-Step Out of the Car-
This is a really solid song as well.   It starts out with a rather abrasive bassline, but really launches into some nice lead-guitar riffs and passionate vocals.  Definitely a favorite.

-Organ Song- 
Really like this little guy as well.  Some really awesome harmonics on this track.

-Caught By The Light-
A little bit slower of the a track, but some really beautiful simplistic work.  I am fond of it because it is so minimalist, and yet still works.


I think this is maybe my favorite off of this album, though I would have to go back and listen to the entire album again to be sure of it.  I just really think its a great song, and I love the chorus.

Like the acoustic work on this track, has some really compelling elements to it.  The vocals for some reason sound different on this track though, could be the new headphones...  Listen to the part that starts at 2:36.

-Spitting Fire-
Just a nice track.  Solid fundamental alt-rock.  Some really nice pieces to it that lend well.  A great listen.

If you want to hear some more good songs, I would sincerely suggest just downloading both of these albums, as they are seemingly spot on.  As I said, I need to spend more than 1 day listening to these guys, but needless to say I have been really impressed.

Hope you enjoyed, and be sure to leave comments if it so pleases you.


-CS Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Quick Hits - Pogo, Owsey/Stumbleine/Shura, Last Days, Last Night Flavor, Coolbalance

Been spending some quality time on this week, and ran across some really nice stuff.  You will notice that some of it can be somewhat repetitive, but overall I think the sonic quality is a bit hard to pass on sharing.  I found all of this on the Ambient/Trip-Hop channel that they have on Turntable, and there is actually one guy who consistently plays things that are worth listening to.  So kudos to him.

On another note, I put in some quality time on one of my two songs I have been working on, and am starting to make some slight progress.  Still learning Ableton as I go along, and reading as much as I can when I have a moment.  Needless to say, some things are sort of starting to come together.

Let's hear some tunes..


You might want to pay attention to the Youtube video on this one, as it is absolutely amazing.  I have no idea if that is actually how the song was mixed, but it appears that it was made with little samples of all our favorite childhood disney movies and then matched visually.  I was pretty impressed by how well it was put together, and I had to share it.  It's very cool.


This song is gorgeous.  There really isn't much else to say about it.  You won't be out there dancing around to it, but if you are contemplating the meaning of life, put this one on.  I really like the mix on this track, and the vocals.  It is repetitive, but the harmonization in there is just 'magnifique.'  Absolutely mesmerizing song, and I like the little painting in the video.


Very chill song.  Kind of reminded me of the same sort of style that you might hear when listening to 'Explosions in the Sky'.  I know a lot of people like that band, and I too enjoy some of their work.  I think I like them more just because I associate them with 'Friday Night Lights' (great show btw).  I don't think it's an incredible song, but there is some interesting stuff going on in there, and the dark and ambient elements you hear in there can be pretty though provoking.


This is more of a remix between a couple tunes that are in the 'my favorites' category.  There is some Thomas Newman mixed in with Reflekt, but at an incredibly chill tempo.  It's an interesting track, but not one that I would listen to to get pumped up.  It has a nice deep, rich and dark sound, and anything that uses Newman is a good idea.


Again a deep and dark chilled track, but I love it.  If you are feeling pensive, give it a listen.  I feel like ambient or chill music can really help me get work done, as it isn't invasive.  Sort of the modern day symphony, but obviously made with a computer.

Hope you enjoyed some of the tracks here, and as always feel free to leave any feedback.



Thursday, April 19, 2012

Quick Hit - Great Skies & Ivan Dubsky

This little beat has some very smooth sounds to it.  This is something I would absolutely love to sample at some point.  Has a really solid mix, without getting too muddy on the reverb aspects.  Really like this tune..

Check it out.

Almost the weekend!!



Thursday, April 12, 2012

One Year Anniversary - Has It Really Been That Long?

Yes lads and gents... it has been one year.  One whole year....  If you can't believe it, how can I?

I specifically remember writing my first post here on The Local Natives one year ago tonight.  Except that when I was done with the post it was about 4am in the morning.  Tonight cannot possibly run on that long, and if you haven't had a chance to read the The Local Natives post, or listen to some of their music, then I implore you to do so.

In the meantime, I wanted to update the masses (all 15 of you) that I have been doubling down on my efforts on the music production side of things.  What does this mean you ask?  Well... as you may have noticed you haven't seen any finished products yet.  Why is that?  A couple of reasons..

1.  Mixing with headphones is very difficult.
    a.  The Bose cans I have been using are specifically designed to make crappy music sound good.  This is why my mixes are so ridiculous, but not the only reason.  So I am looking into purchasing some new KRK Rockit8s, and a new set of cans (Beyerdynamic 770s).  That should help in the mixing, as I also purchased a book to help in sound design and mixing.  Lots of reading!

2.  Ableton is 50x the tool I thought it was.  When I thought of mixing, I assumed it was just, you put all these tracks together, adjusted the volume, and boom.. song.  Not the case.  There are 50 different kinds of filters, EQing, Compressing, Mastering... you name it.  I was in way over my head, but luckily I really enjoy reading about this kind of stuff, and I am learning.  It is a truly incredible tool.

3. I have spent the vast majority of my time reading about Ableton, watching videos on how to make Dubstep beats like Skrillex, and trying to match the lessons therein.  It has been utterly fascinating, and it.. takes... hours....

This means that I have not really put too much time into actual production, I.E. creating songs that I want people to hear that I am not embarrassed to release.  I will say though that I am on the fast track to making that happen, way more so than I was ever before.  I have learned so much even this week, and I am absolutely starving for more.

It is so funny, you try and put a deadline on a hobby just to simply do it, and what ends up happening is that you make just as many excuses as to why you can't get that done as you would if you hadn't finished a work project.  I absolutely view this as a hobby (obviously), but I am committed to making this the year of acceleration.  I am going to be busting my hobby-ass to make this happen.  There are many things that I want in life, from the petty to the not so petty, but my biggest dream is to be able to create music.  2012 is the year.  No doubt.  Even if I don't complete all of an album, I want to be damn close to finishing one, EP or LP.

They say it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert.  I'm working on it.

So enough about me, what do you think about me...  onto some music.


This song is absolutely as tight as it can be.  I am thoroughly impressed by some of the sonic techniques employed here.  I love the hat paired with the kick, as it really brings it through in the mix, and I think the snares that connect the kicks are just as compelling from a beat-standpoint.  I am obsessed with the melody, and I love the breakbeat style of everything.  Some of the synths in the breakdowns are a tad cheesy sounding, but the overall mix is truly impeccable.  I don't see it as muddy at all, and I think the musical showmanship is over the top amazing.  I think some of the analog sounds they use are incredible as well.  This really is a great beat to jam in the car on full blast.  Check it out..


Calling all the Alt-rock fans.  This is a great jam.  I love the reverb/distortion they have on the vocals, and I think the overall composition is just a feel-good song.  You want something to pump you up in the morning on the way to the office?  Yeah, you're welcome..

Only two for tonight, but I hope you enjoy.

In the meantime, let me wax poetically here for a second.

What have I learned in a year?  I have learned that no matter what, I have no regrets about writing this blog.  Spending the time trying to find things that I thought people might like, and even opening dialogues about music simply because I mentioned I wrote a musical blog.  I have learned what other people enjoy about music.  I have learned about other genres of music, and how and why to appreciate them.  I have learned that just because a certain song incites an ear-gasm for me, doesn't mean it is the same for someone else.  Needless to say it has been ABSOLUTELY fascinating.  It also helps me stay somewhat dedicated to realizing a small dream, and it is something that I enjoy doing.  I will of course try to do it more often!

In a year, this small, obscure blog has had about 7,000 visitors.  I want to thank each and every one of you for stopping by, and I want to encourage all of you to leave your suggestions, comments, and ideas.  Not a one is any less important than any other.



Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Santigold, Bombay Bicycle Club, Death Cab For Cutie - Quick Hits For A Glorious Tuesday

I wanted to post a couple alt-rock songs that I have had the pleasure of hearing a few times over the radio.  Some really solid stuff.  Check em out below!


Have to say I kind of dig the hip-hop-ish beat, and the musical composition is clever and upbeat.  Interesting music video too.  Hope you dig.


Big fan of this tune.  I like the harmonization between the vocals and the piano piece during the chorus.  Total jam..


Nice laid-back tune with some nice chorus work.  It's a very simple composition, but I still think its a good song to play on the way to work or something.

Actually saw these guys live, and they put on a really solid show... not sure I had really listened to much of their work previous to seeing them live.  Though I was inexorably aware of 'The Postal Service', and had of course heard some Death Cab songs.



Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Silent Film - Oh Weird... They Are From England

Well wouldn't it be super insane if another band came out that was really solid, and was also from England?  That would be weird right?

I am starting to wonder if they are hoarding most of the talent...


A Silent Film is a small alt-rock band from Oxford, England, and I literally just started playing them after hearing them on Sirius Alt Nation the other day.  They really have a sort of Keane or Coldplay like aura to their music, but it is a little more electronic in some cases, which brings out some M83.  I have just listened to about 4-5 songs, and loved them all.  That... never... happens.

Robert Stevenson has a really nice set of vocals, and the sound is just really pleasing to the ear.  You might have to take a second to listen through some of this, as there is a lot of buildup and quality in there.  Apparently they came together in 2005, so again I am late to the party here, but I am really impressed nonetheless. Apparently the influence around their name came from a melody that was written in response to something off of a Charlie Chaplin film.  I always love getting those back stories.

Let's get to some tunes...

-Driven By a Beating Heart-
This is just a really sweet song.  I think the opener is somewhat like M83, and then it launches into a Coldplay like chorus.  If you like either of those bands, you will definitely like this.

-Thirteen Times The Strength-
Another really solid and beautiful track.  It has that same concert hall sound, but the chorus on this piece is incredible.  I am totally loving this tune..

-Sleeping Pills-
Really liked the lyrics on this, and the xylophone-like overlay.  Again.. killer chorus.

-Juile June-
Another really solid tune...

If this hasn't intrigued you to listen to a little more of these guys, then I do NOT know what to say to you.  They aren't overly flashy, and they aren't entirely unique, as I kept comparing them to bands that sort of have a similar sound.  However, they do what they do VERY well.

Let me know what you think..


Quick Hits - Pantha Du Prince, araabMUZIK, Apparat

Came across some interesting stuff over the last few months, and have been listening to it furiously.  Wanted to throw it out there for folks who might have some interest.

This song is pretty riveting stuff... Which of course comes as no surprise, as it comes from our boy Apparat  who I know we all love at this point right??  It has a slow pace, but still conveys some pain and emotion that is pretty tangible.  I really love the chorus on this one..

I am just mesmerized by this song.  Sonic-ally there is just SO MUCH going on.  You really have to check this one out if you like ambient and chill music. Takes a hot minute to get off the ground, but start hearing some of the most awe inspiring sound at 2:30 and beyond.  The best version is on Spotify though, as it is shorter.

If you can suffer through the first 18 or so seconds of strange techno vocals that don't really match the subsequent beat, then you are in for some pretty intense (though repetitive) beat making.  I honestly would love to hear Jay-Z get in there and put some lyrics over this...

I like the vocals here.. don't know why or what causes it, but again female vocals.. I just assume all these girls look like models...  Pretty sick beat though.

If you want to hear some more of Araab's stuff, you might want to check out Feelin So Hood, Silent World, Make it Happen, and AT2.

Thanks for checking it out.


Above and Beyond - The Measuring Stick for Determining Whether You Like Electronic Music and Most Especially Trance

So.. February came and went, and I didn't post a single thing.  I also didn't spend a single minute creating any music..  That... is... no bueno.  Let's see what we can do here in March!  Hooah.

These guys didn't write the book, but they could have easily co-authored it.  Above and Beyond is one of the most highly touted and most talented trance/house/electro groups out there.  You may have noticed a serious shift in main-stream pop these days, where it is all starting to sound very techno/house oriented.  I would go so far as to say that producers are pulling a lot of influence from Above and Beyond.  They are incredibly well known in the European scene, and are responsible for a weekly 2 hour electronic music Podcast that they post every Monday where they promote the latest and greatest going on in the Electro-house/trance scene.  You are certainly welcome to check this out, and I have spoken of it before.  It is called Trance Around the World.

I don't really recall when I came across these guys, but I would say that it really opened up some doors for me.  I think it may have started when I was getting into Royksopp, and then that quickly transformed into some A&B.  They seem to transcend the genre on many occasions, while still keeping trance roots.  You may have heard some of their stuff over the years, as they have been around for a while.


As is common with the Trance/House/Electro genre, you run into a ton of remixing, and that is part of its beauty, and maybe also part of its shortcomings.  You can hear fifty different versions of the same song, each one taking on a multitude of different elements, and yet when you get to the end of the day it is still someone else's work.  I think aside from repetitive base and percussion lines, you end up with a ton of crap.  Above and Beyond are the exception to that rule.  It almost seems like everything they touch turns to gold.  I have heard a lot of their own remixes of their own original songs, and it just seems to get better than it was before.

I have been listening to their album Tri-State a lot over the years, and I wouldn't say that it is a complete album by any stretch.  They have some throw-away tunes, or rather tunes that just don't capture my ear that well.  However, they also have some amazing stuff, that I find myself jamming to quite a bit.

They were formed in 2000 in London, and the group consists of Jono Grant, Tony McGuinness, and Paavo Siljamaki.  I believe that Paavo is Nordic (Sweden or something), and the rest are from the mother-country I think (that is if you too are Anglo-Saxon).  They have quickly rocketed up through the ranks, and are considered one of the best DJ tandems in the world.  I haven't listened to much of their stuff lately, but that doesn't mean I won't write about it.  If you like this kind of music, then you absolutely love these guys.

I don't know what it is, but smooth female vocals over electronic music just gets me.  Why?  I couldn't tell you at all...  I will say though that I love when they team up with Oceanlab and Zoe Johnston as well.

Let's take a look at some of their work shall we?

I think this is just a really neat piece of music.  It only serves as an intro to their Tri-State album, but it is at least original, and it just feels ethereal.  As though the piano is passing right through your chest and winding around you up to your ears.  Don't ask me what the hell that even means.

This is the other intro song from Group Therapy, and it is just gorgeous... Very impressive stuff.

-World on Fire-
This song is just a real high energy piece.  Again off of their Tri-State album, and I really like when they launch into the vocal loop, because I think it adds a nice compliment.  I think this would be an absolutely amazing song to hear blasting at a show like Dayglow... which I am actually going to.. should be interesting!

-Can't Sleep-
This is a really popular tune, and I love all the elements in it.  I just think that the lyrics get a little repetitive.  Not a knock, just kind of true.

-Sun & Moon-
Interesting little song, some really solid harmonies.  I actually really kind of like his voice as well.  I don't know which one of them that is.

This track is one of those ones with Zoe Johnston.  I really really like her voice, and that's about all I have to say about that.  Though what is going behind her is some pretty incredible harmonics and sounds all around.

-Sirens of the Sea-
There are a billion versions of this song, but this is the original.. A really relaxing song...

So there are many more songs I could post, but these are some of the ones that I have listened to more over the years.  I will probably come back to these guys in time and add some more to their tag.

Trance isn't for everyone, this I know.  However, give it a shot and see what you think.

More to come.

Many thanks,


Sunday, January 29, 2012

Quick Hits - Sweet Nectar..

Whoa.. he's alive?  Yes, I am actually alive...  I apologize for the extended absence, and lack of content in the last few weeks, along with the whole last few months.  Can't say that it will change too drastically in the near future, but in the same right, I would love to be able to get back to a post or two a week, and also get back to making some tunes.

Anyhow, I was perusing Pandora the other day, and came across quite the little gem.


Lots of electronic influences obviously on this track, but I absolutely love the vocals.  This Kendra Foster has quite the sultry voice, and one that really shines when mixed to sound like it is coming out of a 1920's radio.  I think there might be a few too many "-ation" rhymes, but oh well.  I also love the deep bass beats, and guitar work over top.

Sub Swara is a definite drum and bass electronic group, but they do spend some time working with analog instrumentation to compliment their digital compilations.  I am incredibly fond of this song, and would like to hear another like it at some point, but have not yet looked into Sub's catalog of other songs.  But if I find something else this tight, I will of course post it.

Thanks for checking it out.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Mumford & Sons - Mmmm...umford

Was recommended this little folk rock band from Britain a few months back.  I know they have been around, and I just hadn't yet put in enough time to listen to them nor write about them.  I find it somewhat surprising how often I am noticing them getting playing time.  I hear them outside of bars, inside of bars, at friends parties, at friends houses etc.  They are definitely making quite a splash, and the reason is rather simple to deduce.  They are good... very good.


These guys apparently formed in December of 2007, and haven't looked back.  The group consists of Marcus Mumford, Ben Lovett, Country Winston Marshall, and Ted Dwane; and they have put together quite a unique sound.  I think the biggest draw is Mumford's gravelly vocals that really lend some sincere anger and passion to his lyrics.  They tend to have a lot of classical literature influences, and intersperse lots of Shakespeare and Plato in their lyrics.  They became famous after dropping their EP Love Your Ground, which they played extensively in Ireland.  They then put together their debut album Sigh No More which was released in the UK and USA, and was critically acclaimed.  They are also currently working on a new album now that they have concluded their US tour.

If you haven't heard these guys before, definitely take a listen below.

-The Cave-
Probably their most popular of tracks at the moment, but I think you will find that if you listen to ALL of their tracks, you will notice that they bring a lot to the table beyond The Cave.  I do actually really really think highly of this song.  Quite good, and I love the banjo work on this tune.

-Thistle and Weeds-
This is probably my favorite tune, though it is a slow and pain-racked song.  I just really like how it builds upon itself slowly.

-Winter Winds-
This one is a bit more upbeat, and I just like the pacing and lyrics of this one.  Again solid banjo/mandolin work (assuming I am hearing that as a mandolin correctly).

-I Gave You All-
A strikingly beautiful song about love lost, and definitely another one of my favorites.

-Little Lion Man-
Another upbeat and awesome song.  Lots of solid guitar work here, and banjo work as well. I love the lyrics on this one.

That's all I will put up for now, and like I said if you haven't heard these guys, do yourself a favor.  The entire album is incredibly solid, no throw aways, nothing on there that isn't worth listening to.  It is actually one of the more complete albums I have heard in a while, and I was very impressed at how much play-ability it had.

As always, thanks for stopping in, and I hope you enjoy Mumford if you aren't already.
