
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Above and Beyond - The Measuring Stick for Determining Whether You Like Electronic Music and Most Especially Trance

So.. February came and went, and I didn't post a single thing.  I also didn't spend a single minute creating any music..  That... is... no bueno.  Let's see what we can do here in March!  Hooah.

These guys didn't write the book, but they could have easily co-authored it.  Above and Beyond is one of the most highly touted and most talented trance/house/electro groups out there.  You may have noticed a serious shift in main-stream pop these days, where it is all starting to sound very techno/house oriented.  I would go so far as to say that producers are pulling a lot of influence from Above and Beyond.  They are incredibly well known in the European scene, and are responsible for a weekly 2 hour electronic music Podcast that they post every Monday where they promote the latest and greatest going on in the Electro-house/trance scene.  You are certainly welcome to check this out, and I have spoken of it before.  It is called Trance Around the World.

I don't really recall when I came across these guys, but I would say that it really opened up some doors for me.  I think it may have started when I was getting into Royksopp, and then that quickly transformed into some A&B.  They seem to transcend the genre on many occasions, while still keeping trance roots.  You may have heard some of their stuff over the years, as they have been around for a while.


As is common with the Trance/House/Electro genre, you run into a ton of remixing, and that is part of its beauty, and maybe also part of its shortcomings.  You can hear fifty different versions of the same song, each one taking on a multitude of different elements, and yet when you get to the end of the day it is still someone else's work.  I think aside from repetitive base and percussion lines, you end up with a ton of crap.  Above and Beyond are the exception to that rule.  It almost seems like everything they touch turns to gold.  I have heard a lot of their own remixes of their own original songs, and it just seems to get better than it was before.

I have been listening to their album Tri-State a lot over the years, and I wouldn't say that it is a complete album by any stretch.  They have some throw-away tunes, or rather tunes that just don't capture my ear that well.  However, they also have some amazing stuff, that I find myself jamming to quite a bit.

They were formed in 2000 in London, and the group consists of Jono Grant, Tony McGuinness, and Paavo Siljamaki.  I believe that Paavo is Nordic (Sweden or something), and the rest are from the mother-country I think (that is if you too are Anglo-Saxon).  They have quickly rocketed up through the ranks, and are considered one of the best DJ tandems in the world.  I haven't listened to much of their stuff lately, but that doesn't mean I won't write about it.  If you like this kind of music, then you absolutely love these guys.

I don't know what it is, but smooth female vocals over electronic music just gets me.  Why?  I couldn't tell you at all...  I will say though that I love when they team up with Oceanlab and Zoe Johnston as well.

Let's take a look at some of their work shall we?

I think this is just a really neat piece of music.  It only serves as an intro to their Tri-State album, but it is at least original, and it just feels ethereal.  As though the piano is passing right through your chest and winding around you up to your ears.  Don't ask me what the hell that even means.

This is the other intro song from Group Therapy, and it is just gorgeous... Very impressive stuff.

-World on Fire-
This song is just a real high energy piece.  Again off of their Tri-State album, and I really like when they launch into the vocal loop, because I think it adds a nice compliment.  I think this would be an absolutely amazing song to hear blasting at a show like Dayglow... which I am actually going to.. should be interesting!

-Can't Sleep-
This is a really popular tune, and I love all the elements in it.  I just think that the lyrics get a little repetitive.  Not a knock, just kind of true.

-Sun & Moon-
Interesting little song, some really solid harmonies.  I actually really kind of like his voice as well.  I don't know which one of them that is.

This track is one of those ones with Zoe Johnston.  I really really like her voice, and that's about all I have to say about that.  Though what is going behind her is some pretty incredible harmonics and sounds all around.

-Sirens of the Sea-
There are a billion versions of this song, but this is the original.. A really relaxing song...

So there are many more songs I could post, but these are some of the ones that I have listened to more over the years.  I will probably come back to these guys in time and add some more to their tag.

Trance isn't for everyone, this I know.  However, give it a shot and see what you think.

More to come.

Many thanks,


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