
Friday, July 29, 2011

Statefantry v1.2

Went ahead and made some updates to Statefantry.  It is starting to take a little more shape, but still working out some new-to-production soft spots.  I put in a new drum track, added the vocals, and beefed up the MIDI track a bit.

I am not sold on the mixing yet, as it seems to sound different when I play it directly out of Ableton, versus playing it from an exported WAV file.

Frustrating story of the night was me almost flipping out because I couldn't figure out why I kept losing sound quality between WAV to MP3 conversion.  I had the conversion encoder set at 128bit conversion, instead of the allowable 320bit.  That is nerd for "I was being a moron."

Critique away!

And as always, thanks for stopping in.



  1. I've been following your blog. Some definite improvement in this song, congratulations. The vocals provide deep thought-provoking images. Keep up the good work.

  2. Really really liking this..... Love the harmony in the vocals.... Keep it going, want to hear more!!!
