
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Gramatik - Funky Beats Son..

Ahh yes... the beauty of an open music forum...  Another jammy gem from my good man (let's call him Mr. AK).  I had been meaning to get this guy up here for quite a while because I was just blown away by one of his tracks I heard.  It was such a SICK jam.  No other way to say that...  Will you get to hear it?  Of course you will... don't ask silly questions.


This guy is tied in pretty closely to Pretty Lights who has been gaining a ton of popularity as of late, and has been around the scene for quite some time.  Apparently he is from Slovenia, and has been jammin since the age of three, when his mother used to have to take the radio away from him.  He is, much like Pretty Lights, an incredible sampler.  They both can pull from so many different sonic sources, and really make it all meld together perfectly.  Mixer magicians...  I was caught by some of his hip-hop like grooves that he ended up putting a bluesy spin on.  I had heard a few people who were able to pull it off, but Gramatik is just that much better than the rest in that respect.  Have a listen!

-Just Jammin'-
This song is... awesome.  You would have to be kidding yourself if you weren't groovin sitting there listening to this.  Lush guitar riffs, catchy beats, and an overall wicked tune.  I loved the bluesy/jammy elements over top of the hip-hop beats.  It's like underground hip-hop without all the yelling... in my freakin' eardrum...  Simple base piano line, but a lot of action on top of it.

-Orchestrated Incident-
I guess the question is... did he just hip-hopify classical music?  Yes he did.  When I first heard this, I was thinking, oh boy... this is about to get awesome.  When the beat drops, you are just sitting there amazed at what just occurred.

-Stairway to Heaven-
Did he seriously just remix the Led Zeppelin classic?  Correct.  And he nailed it.  This is a really incredible hip-hop rendition of one of the most well known songs ever recorded.  Check it out.

Hope you liked, and as always, comments and other suggestions welcomed!

Thanks for stopping in!


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