My future brother-in-law was kind enough to dish these guys out to me. He gave me their self-titled debut CD Low vs. Diamond, probably in an attempt to prove to me that he had good music taste.... well it worked :) He actually has GREAT music taste, and this was a CD that I played over and over for the entire summer after he and I had finally met.
I am not entirely certain of what is so appealing about these guys. In some cases the vocals sound a little off, even in a recorded version, which can lead you to wonder about their live show capabilities. However, the fact is, the entire CD is a great CD. Not one song on it doesn't have replay value. They are a very good indie rock band, and they shouldn't stop at one disc, but instead start on number two. Their album of 2008 is their only release, and that I think is particularly unfortunate. My hope is that they will come back at some point with some more savory music.
-Don't Forget Sister-
I really love this song, as I think it has a lot of energy, and I love the lyrics as well. It isn't a complex piece of music, but it's meaningful and it has a lot of replay value (as I stated above). Pretty intriguing music video as well ;)
-This is Your Life-
I like this tune because it builds upon itself quite well as it goes along, and it blossoms into a pretty significant ballad. I think for what it lacks in knock-your-socks-off originality, it makes up for in it's heart. My only bone to pick is the sharp guitar solo at the end. I finally got over that one after a few listens.
-Actions are Actions-
"He's an over-privileged boy, who's careless with his words, his actions are the actions of a child." I love the opening line, not sure why... just do. This is a really solid tune, and I think my favorite of the album. Check it out.
-Song We Sang Away-
This is a really great song, and another one of my favorites off of the album. I would suggest getting a listen in on this one.
As I said, this is a really solid album all the way through. Other songs you should check out are Killer B, Heart Attack, Wasted and Save Yourself.
Hopefully this was enough to whet the appetite on a really solid band.
Thanks for comin' around!
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